What on earth do you mean JanG
Scarlet Pimpernel
JoinedPosts by Scarlet Pimpernel
by Dogpatch inone twit wrote:.
your apostate propaganda is the sorriest trash i've ever read in my entire life,.
let me guess, you were once stumbled by an imperfect person in the orginization right?
by Dogpatch inone twit wrote:.
your apostate propaganda is the sorriest trash i've ever read in my entire life,.
let me guess, you were once stumbled by an imperfect person in the orginization right?
Scarlet Pimpernel
Ain't that a fact JanG
by You Know inapostasy has been the devil's most effective means of fighting against the truth.
after all, time and time again the devil was able to lure the israelites away from the worship of jehovah and in to all sorts of idol worship and whatnot.
some anointed christians in the 1st century were also induced to become antichrists.
Scarlet Pimpernel
You Know Your picture indicates that you are one eyed.
by You Know inall mankind stands condemned before god, and yet some are more reprehensible than others are.
as an example, christ called the original christian apostate, judas, the son of destruction.
so too, and not surprisingly, the activities of modern day apostates are said to awaken the judgment from of old, so that "the destruction of them is not slumbering.
Scarlet Pimpernel
You Know : Why doesn’t he bloody well get on with it!
Is it ethical to pay a ransom?
by hippikon inis it ethical to pay a ransom?.
in recent times tourists, foreign consultants, etc have been kidnapped for ransom by rebels and self interest groups.
some areas the major income is from kidnapping for ransom.
Scarlet Pimpernel
Ironic isn’t it. They depend on the ransom benefits of the Christ but wouldn’t give 2 cents to save there own.
What is an apostate?
by esther inthe meaning of 'apostasy' given in my dictionary is "abandonment of religious faith, vows, principles or party".
i used to think that only cults considered leaving their religion to be apostasy, but according to my dictionary, as quoted above,everyone who changes their religion is technically an apostate.
so were those of us who changed from other religions to become jws apostates then?
Scarlet Pimpernel
JanG: Was that definition one of your original thoughts? Don’t even try to be an intellectual. That label just doesn’t fit.
Question about apostates...
by TheApostleAK inanyone know if any famous apostates lurk or post on this site.
we all know of randy http://www.freeminds.org.
is there anymore else?
Scarlet Pimpernel
JanG: Sorry had to laugh - Do you consider yourself famous - Have you ever had an original thought - All you seem to do is copy & spam in a most irritating way. If you are going to persist in spaming at least give credit to the original source.
Satan and Mind Control?
by hippikon ini would like to collect some of the absurd watchtower statements about satan.
particularly about satan putting thoughts into peoples minds and controlling world events and individuals.
didn't it used to freek you out in the borg that satan could be reading your mind - if that aint a mind duck (copulation) what is!.
Leo Greenlees,
by Kiwi ini seem to remember something on the board about leo greenlees being removed from bethel & the gb.
can anyone give me information about this.
is he still allive and where?
Alan F: Dateline TV Show?
by patio34 inalanf,.
in the thread on greenlees, you mentioned an upcoming dateline tv show on jws handling of molesters.
could you please post the time, etc.?.